Monday, December 10, 2012


Really digging the work of LA based photographer, Alex Prager.  Found her via the M + B  gallery site.  Her stuff has a really dark undertone, but the subjects are very artfully crafted with great color pairing and equally expressive lighting, especially in her "Compulsion" series with the eyes juxtaposed against tragic moments.  Especially interesting to read below after living in LA for 3 + years now.

Her thoughts on her work:

"This series is to a great degree inspired by Los Angeles.
Los Angeles is a beautiful place. The magic is still here.
Everything is possible, but there is a very dark element here too.
You can feel it when you've been here for a few months at a time.
The sky is always blue, the birds are always singing.
It's a strange picture of perfection, but there is this eerie monotony that creeps in after a while.
I think it can slowly drive people crazy. 
That sense of unease under the surface of all this beauty and promise."


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