Friday, May 29, 2009

Things are starting up, and wrapping up

First blog entry, and it come at a time when things are commencing around here in little 'ol Athens, Ohio.  I just finished working on a feature length film, Trailerpark, at school as Production Designer and we had the screening on June 7th in MemAud on campus.  The experience was one I will never forget, and I have learned so much throughout this process.

I plan on posting thoughts, words, images, videos, and basically anything that I feel could inspire me and inspire others in design.  I think we all come across things everyday that consciously or subconsciously affect our days.  Might as well compile it up and perhaps start some discussions or food for your tummies.



4801_701001190954_12316972_41272391_7369428_nThe art directors and I after the premier of "Trailerpark"


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